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If you want to join the global network of young changemakers, go to www.youthlead.org.

Youth in the Lead: Engagement for Global Action - YouthLead IYD 2024

Webcast: Youth Participation in Humanitarian Mapping in a Pandemic

Webinar: Youth, Women, and Market Systems Development in Agriculture and Supporting Markets
YouthPower Learning Resources

YP Grants under Contract

USAID/Ethiopia Cross-Sectoral Youth Assessment Situational Analysis Report
Systematic Review of PYD in LMICs

Positive Youth Development Toolkit


Soft Skills for Positive Youth Development

USAID Leads: Youth Leadership is Transforming Development (Podcast)

Youth Compass: A Strategic Guide to Strengthen Youth Activities

YouthPower Learning
YouthLead Ambassadors Cohort 2 Official Closing Ceremony
Official graduation ceremony of the YouthLead Ambassadors Cohort 2 after a successful completion of the YouthLead Ambassadors program. Selected…
Introducing the YouthPower2: Learning and Evaluation Youth Advisory Group…
Dedicated to engaging youth at all levels of the activity, YouthPower2: Learning and Evaluation (YP2LE) is pleased to announce the launch of its new…
Advancing PYD: YouthPower Learning Launches Final…
Now more than ever before, the way the youth development community engages with young people is changing.
Increasingly, young people are regarded as…
Tweets by @YPLearningWe want today’s youth to have the opportunity to become the doctor, the teacher, or the entrepreneur they have always dreamed of becoming.
It is our mission to empower youth to reach their full potential by using a Positive Youth Development (PYD) approach. By engaging youth, their families, communities, and governments in innovative programs, we build young people’s skills, assets, and competencies; foster healthy relationships; strengthen the enabling environment; and transform systems.

Advancing solutions to improve young lives
YouthPower advances solutions through integrated research and development programs to improve the capacity of youth-led and youth-serving institutions.
By engaging youth, their families, communities, and governments in innovative programs, we build young people’s skills, assets, and competencies; foster healthy relationships; strengthen the enabling environment; and transform systems.
About Positive Youth Development (PYD)
Discussions to advance the thinking on positive youth development.
Learn More and Join Our Communities of Practice